The Prayer of Psalm 91: God's Protection In Troubled Times

The Prayer of Psalm 91: God's Protection In Troubled Times

The Prayer of Psalm 91: God's Protection In Troubled Times

1. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress

When life gets tough, it’s easy to feel like we are all alone and that no one cares. But that’s not true! God is always with us, even in the darkest of times. He is our refuge and our fortress, and He will always protect us.
The Prayer of Psalm 91 is a beautiful prayer that reminds us of God’s love and care for us. It is a perfect prayer to pray when we are feeling scared or alone.
So if you are feeling worried or afraid, take a moment to pray the Prayer of Psalm 91. God will always be with you, and He will protect you from all harm.

2. He will protect us from the danger of the day

The second verse of the Prayer of Psalm 91 affirms the LORD’s promise to protect us from the danger of the day: “He shall cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you shall find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and buckler.” (Psalm 91:4)
While God protects us from the sneak attacks of the enemy, He also covers us from the fear of the day. He shelters us from the overwhelming worries and anxieties that can attack us from the circumstances of the world. He offers a refuge that is secure and peaceful.
By staying in the Lord, we can take refuge in the confidence that He has our best interest in mind and that He cares for us more than we can imagine. No matter what happens, He will protect us and soothe us. Acknowledging His protection will give us courage and security, as we face the difficulties of life.

3. He will shelter us from the storm

The Prayer of Psalm 91 also promises that the LORD will shelter us from the storm. As the third verse of the prayer reads, “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day… For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.” (Psalm 91:5-6).
These verses illustrate that not only will the Lord shield us from evil and danger, but He will also protect us from the troubles that come with the storms of life. He will give us the strength and courage to go through our doubting doubts and trust in His plan, even when things seem darkest.
By relying on God and His angels, we can find shelter in the stormy days and be able to face tomorrow with hope and courage. His protection and faithfulness are vital aspects of life that can never be taken away. No matter what challenge comes our way, we are assured of His divine protection.

4. His love will never leave us

The fourth aspect of The Prayer of Psalm 91 is the LORD’s love that will never leave us. The sixth verse of the prayer reads, “ nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.” (Psalm 91: 6-7).
This verse exemplifies the LORD’s infinite love and protection towards His children. No matter the severity of the situation, He will always be there to provide the necessary protection and refuge during times of distress. His love and His faithfulness that He provides us never wavers or diminishes, and never changes.
No matter how dark and turbulent the storm may seem, God’s love is still ever-present and eternal. His love will never abandon us; instead, it will only grow stronger during times of trial. In the darkest of times, may we seek protection in the grace and love of the Almighty.

5. His faithfulness will be our shield

The fifth aspect of The Prayer of Psalm 91 is His faithfulness that will be our shield. Verse 16 states “I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.”
This part of the prayer reminds us that the LORD will never forsake us. He will be with us in our darkest hour and His faithfulness will be our shield to keep us safe. He will not waver in His loyalty and He will answer our prayers.
No matter how difficult the situation, the LORD is always faithful and will answer our prayers. His faithfulness is our shield that will protect us from the forces of evil. He will provide us the strength to tackle any obstacle that comes our way. May we trust in His faithfulness to always be our shield.

6. We will trust in Him always

The sixth aspect of the Prayer of Psalm 91 is that we will always trust in Him. Verse 17 says “the Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me— A prayer to the God of my life.”
God’s lovingkindness will never waiver, no matter the time of day or the circumstance. There may be times of darkness in our lives that seem endless, but the Lord will be with us in the darkness and light. We can trust in His lovingkindness and power day and night.
No matter how difficult the situation, trusting in the LORD and His love will bring us peace. He is our God and nothing can separate us from Him. May we always trust in Him and His amazing love for us. His promise of comfort and strength will never be broken and we can rely on this certainty.

7. He is our refuge and strength

The seventh aspect of the Prayer of Psalm 91 is that the Lord is our refuge and strength. Verse 2 declares “I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust.” We can seek refuge and strength in the Lord no matter what life throws at us. He is a safe place to turn when we are feeling overwhelmed or anxious.
When we place our trust in the Lord, we can find strength in Him. He will help us face whatever challenges come our way. We can find comfort, security, and peace in Him. We can also rely on His power and protection during times of trouble.
The Lord is our perfect refuge and strength during troubled times. No matter the situation, we can find solace in His love and provision. His grace and mercy will sustain us until the danger passes and peace is restored. His loving kindness never fails and we can always rely on His strength and protection.
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Linda is a talented self-taught illustrator and self-publisher, who creates stunning journals with the aim of bringing people closer to God. Her work is incredibly inspiring, and is born from her own personal journey with faith. Linda's journals are a beautiful way to connect with God and remind yourself of the importance of faith in your life. With her passion for creating meaningful art and her deep commitment to God, Linda is truly an inspiration to us all. Que Linda Stationery Shop is the perfect destination for everyone who loves colorful and inspiring journals. We have a wide range of journals for individuals of all ages, from the young ones who are just starting to write, to adults who use them to pen down their thoughts and ideas. Our journals come in various designs and colors, making them perfect for personal use or as gifts for friends and loved ones. Come and browse our collection, and you're sure to find something that sparks your interest at Que Linda Stationery Shop.
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